Buchpräsentation Bert Schmelzer  »Next Year of Gliding« und österr. Segelfliegertag.

Book presentation by Bert Schmelzer »Next Year of Gliding« and Austrian Gliding Day.

The Austrian Gliding Day on October 19, 2024 impressed with the new edition of Bert Schmelzer's book "Next Year of Gliding" in VIENTO design. Bert signed books and gave valuable tips for flights from Austria to Switzerland in his lecture.
Werner Luidolt
Sportleistungsmedaille in Silber für Werner Luidolt

Silver sports performance medal for Werner Luidolt

On April 24, Werner Luidolt was honored in Graz with the Styrian Sports Achievement Medal in Silver for his top performances in the 2023 paragliding season. He became national champion...
Werner Luidolt
Simon Lemmerer in den USA und Kanada im Podcast

Simon Lemmerer in the USA and Canada on podcast

Simon Lemmerer was able to present his book »The Art of Gliding« in Canada and the USA (English language)
Werner Luidolt
Werner Luidolt im Podcast bei Lucian Haas / Luglidz

Werner Luidolt in the podcast with Lucian Haas / Luglidz

Werner Luidolt with Lucian Haas on luglidz in the podcast. Werner talks about the Viento cards, his gliding career, the last Barron Hilton Cup, the Stoderzinken FAI triangle, paragliding in...
Werner Luidolt