Help + FAQs

How can we help you?


About Us

Who is VIENTO?

VIENTO was founded by Werner Luidolt, Simon Lemmerer and Johannes Mentasti and offers services in the areas of publishing, online store and design. You can find all detailed information here.

How long has VIENTO been around?

We started in 2017/18 with the well-known valley wind and thermal maps. VIENTO GmbH has existed in its current form since 2024.

VIENTO Publishing

Can I also get your cards and books at a local bookstore or retailer?

We are generally very happy if you order directly from us here in the VIENTO store. This means we deliver directly from our central delivery point. You can also find our books in stores and specialty stores using the ISBN number. Selected flight schools also sell our maps. There is also an exclusive distribution for some items in certain countries (USA).

Some of your books are in the higher price segment - why?

Our credo is to create books that impress with high-quality content and first-class printing. As a small publisher in a specialized segment , we value quality rather than quantity. Our print runs are small and optimized, but we always focus on excellent implementation. High-quality graphic design and in-depth content require time and care. It is also our goal to keep our authors' fees fair and above the market average, as we find it inappropriate to pay authors with low participation rates. In our opinion, this is the only way to produce a good product. This may lead to slightly higher prices, but the added value is clearly noticeable and can be experienced - sometimes only when you hold one of our works in your hands. So please visit us at various trade fairs and exhibitions so that you can marvel at our products in real life.

What is special about your calendars?

Tobi Barth is known for outstanding air-to-air shots, and we are proud to now offer his calendar through VIENTO calendars . Thank you, Tobi, for your trust. We also work with well-known photographers in the scene to produce top image material for you. All of our calendars are equipped with micro-perforation, which allows you to tear out the images and use them long-term - a real innovation in the calendar sector. High-quality UV varnish and solid shipping packaging round off our offer.


Why are your online maps on an external server?

We are cooperating here with Bernd Gassner and his XC planning site ThermiXC. He has thankfully added our maps to his XC planning platform. Bernd only makes his platform available for voluntary donations from the community. We like this idea and value his tool very much, and use his tools ourselves.

How long is the subscription for VIENTO online cards valid?

Our subscriptions run for 2 years from the time the email address is set up in the system and are not automatically renewed. After this period, the subscription can probably be renewed at favorable conditions .

Who provided all the information on the valley wind and thermal maps?

In many areas, we know which flight routes are the most efficient thanks to our own long flights with a glider or paraglider . We have actually flown over thermal hotspots and main ridge crossings. In all areas of the map, we have added missing content with the help of local pilots . You will get real experience from us and competent pilots displayed on our maps.

VIENTO Store and Pre-Order

What does pre-order mean for your calendars and books?

»Pre-order« means pre-ordering. It is the ability to order our calendars and books early, before they are officially released or launched on the market. Customers who place a pre-order are guaranteed delivery of the product as soon as it is available. We use pre-ordering to estimate demand and to ensure that our customers receive the product as early as possible.

I pre-order a book or calendar months in advance. Should I be worried that I won't receive my delivery?

Of course, you don't need to worry. We are a healthy company and our name stands for safety, quality and reliability. We cannot and will not allow ourselves to disappoint our customers in any way. Our reputation is very important to us - so don't worry. We generally try to stick to our deadlines and will inform you immediately here on our website if there are any delays.

I have a voucher code from the past that cannot be redeemed.

In July 2024 we brought our shop system to a new level and system. Old voucher codes cannot be redeemed directly in the store. Send us a short email with your existing code and we will issue you a new replacement code for your order.

Shipping, Returns & Exchanges

How long does your shipping take?

Basically, we try to ship as quickly as possible . Delivery times to Austria and Germany are very fast. Other countries should receive all orders within 5-6 working days. The only exceptions are overseas deliveries and deliveries outside the EU. America and Australia can trigger delivery times of up to 6 weeks...

Do you also ship outside the EU and overseas?

Yes, we also ship to distant countries. However, the delivery time for packages can be up to 6 weeks (Australia, New Zealand, USA)

Can I return my order?

As long as you have not received any information about the shipment, you can cancel the order. We will refund any payments asap.

What about returns?

We ask that you package all returns perfectly and send them back to us in a safe manner. Please coordinate this beforehand by email. According to our terms and conditions, we do not cover the costs of returns!

B2B Retailers

We are a dealer, flight school, association, aviation supplies, museum, etc. - do you have any dealer offers?

Of course, we also offer our VIENTO Publishing products to resellers . Simply use our registration form and we will get in touch with you.

We have a product and would like to work with you...

We are happy to open our store for innovative products in the aviation sector . Simply contact us at

Get in touch

Do you have a specific question? Do not hesitate to contact us :-)